When even Clinton News Network acknowledges that Democrats are losing the fight ..

They are losing the fight.

For the past 30 years, The Democratic Party has demagogued in full fashion the illegal immigration issue. They created piecemeal offers and amnesties to create this class of people in limbo, so that Democrats could continue to exploit the emotional issue.

Jimmy Kimmel tried to do that on his talk show two nights ago, and for greater intents and purposes, his efforts fell flat:

In spite of the most endearing "best case" scenario, the guests on the program (including myself) held our ground and insisted on enforcement of our immigration laws.

CNN is now reporting that any kind of DACA is looking DOA, dead on arrival:

Washington (CNN)After months of rhetoric and negotiations on
immigration with the parties barely any closer to each other, the reality is
beginning to dawn that there may be no deal to be had.

The Democratic Party cannot agree to a wall. Cryin' Chuck Schumer even admitted that he would authorize construction of a wall because in his view it would never get built.

Stakeholders working toward a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals program, likely including border security, are not giving up hope. But
the White House's and some Republicans' insistence on adding new restrictions
to legal immigration and the left's opposition could be an insurmountable gap.

Exactly. Trump has made his end of the bargain so secure, that the left cannot budge. They simple cannot get over the idea of a wall along our country's southern border. They do not want to solve the problem, but rather want to ensure the perennial conflict to shame Republicans and win sympathy votes.

The White House on Thursday released its proposed framework for a deal
on DACA, a program that protected young undocumented immigrants who came to the
US as children that President Donald Trump is terminating as of March 5 but
pushing lawmakers to replace.

President Trump is not "pushing" anyone to do anything. Congress is elected to pass laws. That is their job. We the People push our elected legislators to pass laws, to authorize spending, and to direct the President and his executive staff to enforce those laws.

The proposal did have some concessions to Democrats, including a path
to citizenship for an estimated 1.8 million undocumented immigrants, but also
included aggressive cuts to legal immigration and a push for enhanced
enforcement powers, along with upwards of $25 billion for a wall and other
border security. The framework also ends family migration beyond spouses and
minor children and abolishes the diversity visa lottery.

These are proposals which Americans have been clamoring for for decades. We need to control legal immigration as well as illegal immigration. Our federal government needs to put Americans First, to safeguard the sovereignty of this nation

The proposal was panned by the left and the right. Groups who support
restricting immigration slammed it as "amnesty." Democratic lawmakers
and immigration advocates rejected it as a "massive, cruel and
family-punishing overhaul of our current legal immigration system," as New
Jersey's Sen. Bob Menendez phrased it.

Bob Menendez should talk, right? I mean, he's been under investigation and indictment for corruption for the past three years. Menendez the blue-state mafioso from New Jersey wants more third-world immigrants.

The framework, plus Trump's earlier rejection of an offer from Senate
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to authorize upwards of $20 billion for a wall
and a vulgar rejection of a bipartisan proposal from the Senate "Gang of
Six," could mean that the only option left is a temporary extension of
DACA with no future certainty. Some lawmakers have even started mentioning the
latter option.

An extension of DACA would be beyond foolhardy. There should be no extension whatsoever. The DACA program must sunset for good, and all illegals, regardless of their age, background, or circumstances must leave the country and come back legally, through the front door, righteously in accordance with our immigration laws.

For now a permanent solution for DACA is "dead," said Leon
Fresco, an immigration attorney who led immigration negotiations for Schumer in

You bet, and whose fault is it? The Democratic Party. I can't wait to see the Democrats on Capitol Hill shut down the government a second time for illegals. I wonder how the public will take to that.

"Thursday pretty much lined it up as the final verdict,"
Fresco said. "When Trump proposed something that in orthodoxy was not
possible in the Democrat world and got criticized by the right, that was the
end of the deal, because how can Trump agree to something more liberal now? …
For both sides, the deal is completely unacceptable, so that's what makes this
very complicated."

Exactly. It's not possible. Democrats have been overrun by chronically angry, abusive illegal aliens who demand full amnesty with no enforcement. These illegals and their open border enablers don't realize that they no longer have the upper hand. The major pillars of our culture are in full decline, no longer able to prop up the false narratives of compassion for young illegals.

The American people are not getting taken for a ride any longer. We want our American children, elder, veterans, homeless taken care of, not illegal aliens.

One longtime lobbyist on the issue, Randel Johnson, who recently left
the US Chamber of Commerce to join the law firm Seyfarth Shaw as a partner,
wasn't quite ready to give up but did acknowledge that neither side may be able
to come far enough toward the other to reach a deal.

The American People should not have to barter and deal for our government to do its job. Simple as that. The voters, the taxpayers in this country owe the illegal aliens in this country nothing. They have no right to demand anything from the public, nothing from our government. I am surprised that the elected officials and their staffers have refused to call ICE on the protesters and have them arrested. DACA recipients cannot break any laws as a condition of receiving the unconstitutional permit at the outset.

"I think the danger is both sides begin posturing to their
respective bases and both sides will walk away earning brownie points with
their bases and get nothing done," Johnson said.

The American people of all backgrounds are more than just a base. This is our country.

Advocacy groups who have been a constant presence on the left pushing
for a deal have been disheartened by the lack of success even when they have
accepted some concessions.
According to two sources familiar with a meeting of the groups last
week, the mood among the pro-immigrant base — even before the White House
proposal — was to be in a "fighting mode," especially after the
rejections of proposals they had thought were compromises.

This is not about granting a better life for illegal aliens. The whole fight has been about getting votes for the Democratic Party. They don't even care about illegal aliens. The Democratic politicians want the power base. The RINO Republicans want to please their Corporate, crony Big Business masters.

We need elected officials to respect the needs and concerns of American citizens once again.

The only acceptable option from here out, the consensus was, is a clean
DACA-border security trade, and there was resolve to make clear to lawmakers
and key players that groups will reject any deal that tries to include
aggressive immigration measures in exchange for DACA.
Fresco said there was a "miscalculation" by those on the right
that Democrats would swallow changes to the legal migration system in this deal
because they had passed previously in broader, comprehensive negotiations.

Any trade is not a "clean" option. I cannot believe how little this CNN reporter understands this situation. The pro-illegals want a clean DREAM Act, which means citizenship is offered up to every illegal alien in the country, and nothing else. No trades, no deals, no enforcement.

That is a total non-starter.

But without all of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants
being legalized, he said, it's not on the table.

Then there will be no deal.

"There's nothing about what the Republicans are seeking that can't
be obtained in a comprehensive deal," Fresco said. "They can get
everything they want, they just have to accept that everybody who's here gets
to stay. That's the price of admission."

Uh … NOPE! Illegal aliens are NOT here to stay. American citizens have been taking back their government one city council at a time, one county at a time, one state at a time. We are not going to sit back and settle for illegal aliens demanding open borders and unfettered amnesty for criminals, lawbreakers, and dependent migrants.

Oklahoma's GOP Sen. James Lankford said he would back the plan Trump
set out last week.
Lankford told CNN he hopes the framework will put to bed concerns that
the President could change his positions and policies at any moment —
something he acknowledges has been a concern for lawmakers of both parties.

Too bad! Lankford spent his political capital on this issue, and he is going to come up empty-handed. There will be no deal.

"Obviously, he just put it on paper. This wasn't just a statement
at a press conference offhand," Lankford said. "If he's putting it on
paper, that means not only has he signed off on it, his team has signed off on

Actually, not really.

One remaining option that looks increasingly likely is for Congress to
pair a temporary extension of DACA with government funding, perhaps with some
border security, and punt a longer-term deal into an indefinite future.

How much more punting will elected officials tolerate?

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told reporters
January 8 that if a deal can't be reached, lawmakers would find another way,
according to Roll Call.

"We'll probably extend the DREAM Act kids, the DACA kids, for a
year," Graham said.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, told reporters
last week that a deal will be "temporary for temporary, permanent for
permanent" — meaning if Democrats can't agree to massive border security,
the DACA deal won't be permanent, either.

"If you want an annual appropriation then I think you'll get a
one-year extension of the DACA status," Cornyn said.

Frank Sharry, an advocate with America's Voice Education Fund who has
spent decades negotiating immigration in Washington, said he's not giving up
hope — yet. But he acknowledged that on immigration there's a "sweet
spot" that seemed pretty close to the "Gang of Six" bill the
White House rejected.

The Gang of Six was beyond unacceptable. Lindsey Graham is all but banned from the White House discussion on immigration at this point.

"I'm not prepared to declare this dead at all, because we're far
from dead," Sharry said. "When the White House realizes this is going
nowhere and Republican leadership is going to be left holding the bag, they may
say, 'Let's do something narrow and do it quick.' And it'll be border security
and a DACA fix."

Final Reflection

The media have been tying to shame the public into buying into the compassionate sob stories for the poor illegals. It's total nonsense. I have spoken with contracting employers throughout Southern California, and they have told me that arrogant, adamant demands of illegal labors. They won't settle for anything less than $160 a day, which is more than most legal contract workers will ask for. The money that illegals get is not taxed, and they sign up for government benefits, too.

The illegal alien, cheap labor racket is anything but cheap.We pay for their benefits, we endure the cost of their crimes, especially identity theft and fraud. Illegal immigration must cease, and we as Americans must demand a decrease in legal immigration levels, too.

It's good to see that even the liberal, anti-Trump media have crumbled in the face of this stark reality: There will be no DACA deal.

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